Heading into Summertime

Hello again,

I seriously don’t blog enough. I get lost in the work I am doing and forget to share the process with you. The work sustains me, the work gets me out of my own head, out of my own way. Living with addiction and mental illness is difficult, and can get in my way sometimes. Having a creative outlet helps me overcome the things that are hardest to control.

A little over a year and a half ago, I made a decision to become a sports photographer shooting all levels in a dynamic, photojournalistic, cinematic way. Creating photographs with depth, and movement as to bring you into them emotionally, and dramatically. On this journey I try and practice if not everyday, then every week as to hone this craft one frame at a time forward.

Over the past few weeks I have had an opportunity to shoot some great championship games in multiple sports.

Last wednesday I had the honor to shoot for the Hopkinton youth lacrosse team as they faced off against Reading at Harvard under the lights. Hopkinton won the game by shutting out Reading in the second half 7-0 which was a complete turn around from how the first half played out. Reading went into the half with a 4-3 lead. Whatever the team leaders and coaching staff said during the intermission was deeply impactful. The final score of 10-4 truly reflected the hard work put into the season and every game that led them to become champions. My nephew Tyler is a defenseman on the team which made shooting the game more fruitful for me.

Below is the link to the images and the story I created one shot at a time.

Championship game Smugmug album link

On Saturday my wife Elizabeth and my Stepson Trevor joined me at Polar park to enjoy the Oakmont vs St. Mary’s MIAA championship baseball game.

St. Mary’s started off strong taking a 1-0 lead and their starting pitcher kept it that way for quite a bit.

In the later innings things changed a bit, one of the Oakmont runners stole second and that seemed to spark the team as they were able to grab the lead and never look back winning the game 3-1 to capture the championship for the 2nd straight season.

It was great to capture the attitude and enjoyment from both sides in a hard fought battle to end the season on top. The link to the game shots is below. Also if you want to see the whole portfolio of my latest work you can click the link in the header or below in the footer. it will take you to my Smugmug gallery. Thank you for following my journey I truly appreciate it.

Championship game Smugmug album link

alan scherer

Self taught event, sports, portrait, fine art, street photographer based in Mass.

I picked up a Canon digital Rebel with a 50mm 1.8 f in 2010 and have been learning about light and shaping it everyday since then. It started as a form of therapy to battle Bipolar Disorder and Addiction, and it has become so much more. The opportunity to share my work and make it available to you has taken years of Soul searching, courage, and Self Confidence building. I hope you find a piece that speaks to you in this gallery.


The last few months