Happy New Year
New Logo, what do you think?
Welcome to the new and improved Alan Scherer Photographer website.
Thanks for taking a moment to stay in-the-know.
I have built a new logo, new fine art online gallery space, and have set lofty goals this year for us.
My ultimate goal is to help the ordinary to be a bit more extraordinary through my lens.
On Sunday, I shot some kids Ski racing on Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire. My Nephew, Tyler, was racing in the U12 boys races and my brother Rick invited me to join him. What a blast it was to watch the kids — boys and girls — younger and older attack the mountain with enthusiastic determination. Sure for some the struggle was real, but they still put in the effort to do their best.
Like on the old Olympic commercials it’s the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat.
I think the thing I hope they learn is they will win or they will learn, important lessons that competition will teach them as they grow.
Click the link to see the facebook album of the day. Cannon Mtn ski race
I think the same can be said for me and photography. I will win or I will grow. I will win your trust through my character and passion, or I will grow forward sharpening my skills until you call on me to share my view of the world through the lens with you. I hope that is soon.
Here are a few links you can take advantage of while you ponder how I can help you or your kids this year.